вівторок, 7 листопада 2017 р.

9 reasons for continuing learning English

        Are you tired of learning English? Do you sometimes muse on quitting everything and sitting on the sofa like a couch potato and doing nothing? Did you lose your motivation and do not see any sense in studying English anymore?
        I would like you do not make quick decisions and read the artcile of famous blogger and traveller Tom, who names 9 resons why English rules the world. He doesn't exaggarate as you might think, it's a real situation in the modern world. 
        English is the most widely spread language and is spoken by around 1.6 billion people. Business and study are conducted in English in most institutions all over the world. Most books, TV shows, moves and speeches are in English. 
        Do you want to learn more? Then visit Tom's blog and read the artcile: https://www.ef.com/blog/language/9-reasons-english-rules/

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