вівторок, 28 листопада 2017 р.

Podcast: 16 Ways How to Say "I Like it"

          A few weeks ago I told you how important the podcasts are and how they can help in learning English. In this post I'm going to present you one to get acquainted with how it works. It's recorded by Luke Thompson, English teacher. Enjoy listening and learning at the same time.


понеділок, 27 листопада 2017 р.

Handouts: Shopping and Services

          I have something interesting for you to share with. I found fascinating worksheets which you can use to make your classes interactive and lively. These handouts are on the topic "Shopping and Services". Quite useful, isn't it?
          Below you will find the links on handouts for different age groups:

How to Prepare for IELTS

          IELTS test is  a good way of finding out what your level of English is. If you want to pass the test successfully you need to know a few tips of efficient preparation to IELTS. In the video below you will find the information on the details of taking the test and a few useful tips how to get on wel with your test.
         Hope you enjoy watching the video.

ICT in English classroom

         Not so long ago I ran into an exciting article on topic "ICT in English classroom" the link on which you will find below. For me, as a future tecaher, was quite interesting to learn about advantages and disadvantages of using ICT in class and types of activities based on ICT (blog, e-portfolio, movie-making, creating presentations etc.)
         Here you can find more information: http://www.puertasabiertas.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/numeros/numero-8/the-use-of-icts-in-the-english-class-an-enriching-experience

субота, 25 листопада 2017 р.

Worksheets: School

         The students of all ages learn something about school: young learners study easy words and the advanced ones study the details of education in schools and univesrities. In order students memorize all the information quickly and effectively the teacher must use worksheets during the class.
         In the links below you can find websites which offer free worksheets for learners of different group ages.


Error Correction

        The students usually make a lot of mistakes in their classes. The teacher's task is to correct them in such a way the students realize their mistakes and never make them again.
        In the video below you can find useful information about the correction of mistakes.

вівторок, 21 листопада 2017 р.

Some teachers sometimes complain that students acquire the material very slowly and badly. They know their subject perfectly well but still there is something wrong. I long for sharing with you the article on what works and what doesn't work in the classroom. Hope you read it and take something for yourself. Here is the link: https://www.theguardian.com/teacher-network/teacher-blog/2014/oct/31/effective-teaching-10-tips

Pupil raising hand in classroom
Do you lack the ideas what tasks to do with children and how to teach them vocabulary on the topic "Food" ?
 Here are some useful worksheets for beginners to learn kinds of food: https://en.islcollective.com/resources/search_result?Vocabulary_Focus=Food&Level=Beginner+%28pre-A1%29&type=Printables&searchworksheet=GO

понеділок, 20 листопада 2017 р.

Not so long ago I took part in webinar "Measuring What Matters: Connecting Assessment, Instruction, and Learning" where I learnt a lot of new information which is very useful for as a future teacher. I want to boast of my certificate of completion.

Do you enjoy listening to podcasts? I'm sure you do. When we listen to them we don't even think of the process of their creation, so I found a video for you to see how the podcasts are created. Hope after watching this video you will try to record your own podcast in English.

Are you looking for a platform where you can learn the language in the effective and quick way? Then visit "Duolingo" and be at ease while learning English.

Here is the link: https://ru.duolingo.com/

                                 Пов’язане зображення

вівторок, 14 листопада 2017 р.

How to use Prezi

        Are you bored with ordinary Power Point presentations? Have you already learnt all its possibilities and don't want to see it anymore?
        I crave for sharing with you quite an interesting presentation software called Prezi.

How to lead a successful blog

          Nowadays there are many bloggers trying to draw readers' attention with the help of different tools. But there are a few sectrets that all successful bloggers keep in mind for the whole time of blogging.
         If you are interested in making your blog really exciting and successful, then this video is obviously for you.

Learning by playing

          The efficiency of learning English depends on the student's interest in the learning process. It was observed in practice that students learn a foreign language better if the multimedia devices i.e. laptops, mobile phones etc. are used.  Nowadays the learners have a great opportunity to learn the language on their own. They can do it even sitting on the bus and doing the exercises or learning the words on their smartphones.
          There is one really great platform for learning English. The peculiarity of this platform is that you don't really feel like studying but playing. You can find the link there: https://lingualeo.com/ru

субота, 11 листопада 2017 р.

             Are you looking for  really useful, efficient and at the same time funny video lessons with native speakers? If yes, I have a pretty good website with hundreds of cideo lessons by experienced native speaker teachers. You will find absolutely everything starting with lessons for beginners to ones for advanced students. 
             The lessons are focused on grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, preparation for IELTS, TOEFL etc. I hope you will enjoy these lessons as much as I do.

Here is the link: https://www.engvid.com/

четвер, 9 листопада 2017 р.

Developing of Listening

            I believe you all know about four basic skills essential for language learning: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Most of all students pay attention to developing communicative competence i.e. speaking skills. However, you should not forget about listening skills. Students often say they do not have time to sit in front of the computer listening to the record and doing exercises.
            I completely understand such students as I'm one of the them. That's why I want to recommend you a source of exciting English podcasts: https://teacherluke.co.uk/archive-of-episodes-1-149/
           In these podcasts you do not just learn English but plenty of new information on different topics. Beside learning English you develop your outlook, become more intelligent and ineteresting personality. There is one more advantage of these podcasts: you are in no need of sitting in front of the computer doing boring exercises. You can download the podcasts on your phone and listen to it while going to school/university/work etc.
          Do your best and go to the website mentioned above. You won't regret, I promise.

вівторок, 7 листопада 2017 р.

9 reasons for continuing learning English

        Are you tired of learning English? Do you sometimes muse on quitting everything and sitting on the sofa like a couch potato and doing nothing? Did you lose your motivation and do not see any sense in studying English anymore?
        I would like you do not make quick decisions and read the artcile of famous blogger and traveller Tom, who names 9 resons why English rules the world. He doesn't exaggarate as you might think, it's a real situation in the modern world. 
        English is the most widely spread language and is spoken by around 1.6 billion people. Business and study are conducted in English in most institutions all over the world. Most books, TV shows, moves and speeches are in English. 
        Do you want to learn more? Then visit Tom's blog and read the artcile: https://www.ef.com/blog/language/9-reasons-english-rules/

понеділок, 6 листопада 2017 р.

         Learning the vocabulary is vital for students to be able to communicate in a foreign language fluently. It's the teacher who helps students learn the vocabulary quickly and effectively. However, the teachers are sometimes run out of ideas how to present new vocabulary in unusual way.   
         If you are in the same trouble, then watch the video ib the link below and maybe you will discover something new to refresh your manner of presenting the new vocabulary.
         Go there and enjoy watching the video: http://study.com/academy/lesson/fun-ways-to-teach-vocabulary-words.html

пʼятниця, 3 листопада 2017 р.

          This post is going to be extremely helpful to newly qualified teachers who are looking for some tips concerning teaching the foreign language. All of us know how difficult it is to get students involved in the learning process, to make the classes lively and efficient at the same time, that is why I long for sharing with you the artcile including 10 tips for teaching a foreign language to newbies. You will also find there tips about organization of the class for beginner learners, appropriate presentation of the material, the structure of the lesson etc.

         Here is the link: https://www.fluentu.com/blog/educator/how-to-teach-a-language-to-beginners/

Hope you will learn some useful information from the article and become efficient enough in teaching the beginner learners 😄