понеділок, 4 грудня 2017 р.

Handouts: People, Family and Social Life

            We all live in society and communication with other people is inevitable for us. This topic is exciting to be taught in English classes and if you want to make your students easily understand it, use the handouts from the links below. There you will find worksheets, examples of interactive exercises, activities etc.


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Presentation Tips for Teachers

        Many students get bored and sleepy during the lectures. Using presentations is a way to get students engaged in the class. But how to use them correctly and what the presentations should be like?
        The answer on these questions you can find in the video below.

5 Tips to Improve Your writing

        You are good at speaking a foreign language, grammar rules is not a problem for you but writing an essay or something like that in a foreign language scares you to death? If yes, I highly recommend you to watch the video below and start writing novels immediately😏☺

Teaching Reading

          I suppose almost everyone in his/her English classes got bored with reading texts as teachers usually made us just read and translate it.
         Mark Bartholomew descibes in his article new ways and techniques to teaching reading skills.
        Here is the link on the article: http://www.eflmagazine.com/where-are-we-going-wrong-with-teaching-reading-skills/

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10 Classroom Management Hacks

          If you are a newly qualified teacher and you haven't experince yet how to organize the class if it's too noisy. In the video below you can find hacks that are highly likely to work in your class.

Handouts: Culture and Free Time

          Do you want your students to be culturally developed and well-educated? Then make your classes diversified using the worksheets on this topic. You can find them in the links below.


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Plugging ICT Into Any Lesson

           You know what ICT is but you still are not competent in its using? Then the artcile I want to share with you below is extremely useful. In this article Mike Britland tells about his top tech tools to bring class quizes, presentations, discussions etc. He mentions such tools as Edmodo, Socrative, Prezi, Wallwisher, Popplet.
          Want to know more about it? Then visit this website: https://www.theguardian.com/teacher-network/2012/sep/25/top-five-tips-embedding-ict

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Fighting Procrastination

         If you have problems with the first step to doing something and you postpone it until the very last moment then you obviously waste your time in vain. In other words you just procrastinate. Learning the foreign language and procrastination are not compatible.
        In the video below you can see the examples of procrastination and possible solutions to this problem.

Teaching Tolerance

         When children start learning the language usually among them there is a child who acquires the language better. If somebody makes a mistake then this child mocks at them and attempts to humiliate. The teacher's task is to control such situations and prevent them from happening.
         Corinna Keefe writes in her article how to teach tolearnce. It is necessary to read if you want to create kind and calm atmosphere in the class.
         Here is the link: http://www.eflmagazine.com/teaching-tolerance/


неділя, 3 грудня 2017 р.

The Five Guiding Principles of Vocabulary Learning

           Yoanis Ulloa Tejera writes in her blog about 5 main principles of vocabulary acquisition: principle of cognitive depth, retrieval, associations, re-contextualization, multiple encounters. This article is useful for all learners at different levels. These principles will help you acquire the vocabulary much quicker and effective than you did it before.
           Here is the link for the article: http://www.eflmagazine.com/the-five-guiding-principles-of-vocabulary-learning/

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субота, 2 грудня 2017 р.

ICT In The Classroom: Level Up

          The article I want to share with you is must read. The newly qualified teachers will be espeacially interested of improving ways of using ICT in the classroom. The article tells about ways the teachers can start with in their classes.

           Here is the link:https://elearningindustry.com/time-level-use-ict-in-your-classroom

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Handouts: Science and Technology

     In the information age everything connected with science and technology develops with a speed of light. People are not an exception. That's why teachers should find new materials to teach students appropriately and according to the requirements of modern education, not the one they get used to.
     In order to do that the teachers should apply various handouts in their classrooms. I want to share with my finds on this topic:


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5 Techniques To Speak Any Language

         In this post I'm going to share with an instructional video that will help you master the language you learn quicker. The speech is given by Sid Efromovich, one of TEDx talkers. You can completely trust his advice especially when you see how he learned Portuguese using these techniques.

Handouts: Sport

        Are your students excited about everything connected with physical activity especially with sport? Then keep them engaged in it with the fascinating worksheets to use in the classroom.
       Here you will find worksheets and interactive exercises for different age groups:


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How To Use ICT To Teach

          You can already find some information on this topic in my blog. In addition to it I want to share with you one more handful article on the usage of information and communications technology. 
          Here is the link: http://www.teachersofindia.org/en/article/how-use-ict-teach

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15 Tips for Working With ELL

         Even if you are an experienced and qualified teacher you should always develop yourself and look for new helpful tools in teaching. As a future teacher I also try to develop myself and always search for new information. This time I found an engaging article with 15 tips for working with ELL (English Language Learners). These tips are simple but they will make your class enormously efficient.
         Hope you will read the article and find something new for you: https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/blog-posts/amanda-nehring/15-tips-working-english-language-learners/

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ICT in English Language Teaching and Learning

           Nowadays teachers and learners have access to all digital resources of information. The thing is that not all of them know how to use them in the classroom or beyond it to achieve higher results in teaching / learning English.
           I found useful article and crave for sharing it with you: https://prinzessinnadia.wordpress.com/2013/02/01/ict-in-english-language-teaching-and-learning/

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пʼятниця, 1 грудня 2017 р.

House: Interactive Exercises and Handouts

        If a student does first steps in learning English and you do not know what topics to work with him on then you may try talking about houses. In order to make the information easier for learner to perceive the teacher must use handouts and interactive activities in the class. They help to  develop students' communicative skills and make classes exciting.
        In the links below you can find handouts and some useful activities for you to use in the class.


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Handouts: Work

        In the previous post you read about secrets to efficient teaching of adults. In this post I want to share with you something that is an integral part of lively and lovely class - the worksheets on topic "Work" for adults. You can find the links below.


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15 Secrets to Tecahing Adults

          All teachers know how to teach children e.g. with the help of games, videos, songs etc. But what to do with adults in the class is another question. There is an article on clues to successful and effective teaching of adults.
          Hope you will find it useful:  http://busyteacher.org/7273-teach-adults-15-secrets.html

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Handouts: Nature and Environment

       I've prepared more handouts for you. This time they are about the environment and nature. This topic is quite interesting for all ages as this is what we live in. In order to explain the information concerning the natural disasters or wonders there are many helpful worksheets for teachers to use in the class.
       Here are the links on some of them:


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Handouts: Health

         This topic is very important not only for students but for all people. If you want your students cover the topic without any problems then you can use exciting handouts. Below you can find a few websites offering fascinating worksheets on this topic.


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How To Learn Vocabulary Quickly

        Is it hard for you to remember a lot of new words? Do you want to learn them and never forget? Then watch this video on how to to learn the vocabulary quickly, easily and permanently.

Handouts: Travelling and Tourism

         Travelling and tourism is one of children's favourite topics to study. Every time they want to see something new, to do new activities connected with tourism and learn as much as they can about different countries. It's quite hard to surprise children with something new and get them involved in the topic.
         I've found the websites with worksheets on this topic. Hope you find them worth using in the class.


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10 Classroom-Management Tips For Teachers

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      Many teachers have bad or no organizational skills. If you want to improve your classes, children's perception of the material you should try applying tips described in the article below. Here is the link: https://www.relias.com/blog/top-10-tips-for-teachers